Sunset Embers Lampwork Bead Set
This turned out to be such a pretty set of lampwork beads. It look several extra days to pick the right color combination. Some of the beads I selected had too much green or gray and so it took a few extra days to finally get the right color combination. This is definitely a winning combination.
In the set above, I used a Double Helix dark brown color that was from a garage box. I never could get it to do anything special and so now it is used when I need this color of dark brown. This has a shade of Lauscha red, CIM Chai, dark DH Clio reduced, Helios reduced, and with some of my Color Pop Glitter lampwork beads.
The Helios was a perfect color because it has gold with some hints of pink that looked nice with the red. The Chai is a great because it has some pink tones as well. The dark Clio reduced to a nice color that almost has purple that looked nice with the brown. I tried to use regular Clio, but the color just wasn't right with these other colors.