When we think of January, we think of the new year. We think of the year ahead, and we think of all the hopes we have for it. As many may know, January's traditional birthstone is garrnet, but 2019 feels like it is truly going to be a year of new beginnings!

This January, jade green is your color.

You're turning over new leaves, so why shouldn't your jewelry reflect that? Jade is believed to attract wealth and success; it is truly the stone of starting anew. 

Something fresh and flirty like this beautiful jade green beaded anklet may be exactly what you need to show off that "new year, new me" attitude!

jade beaded anklet

Wanting something more classic? This olive jade beaded bracelet is accented with absolutely gorgeous iridescent beads, and is perfect for welcoming growth and change in the new year!

Finally, this olive green Czech window bracelet and earring set is perfectly stunning! This set would be a fantastic addition to any collection, but would serve even better as a gift. Let someone in your life know that you wish to see them grow and succeed this year!

This January, allow yourself to grow!

Green is such powerful color; it's the color of fresh leaves, bright eyes, and, most importantly, growth. Allow yourself to grow and improve in 2019, and you may feel success radiating all around you.

Whether you believe that a gemstone can directly attract prosperity or not, a beautiful jade piece will surely be a cheerful reminder to enter the new year with a positive, open-minded attitude. These pieces are stunning, and that little boost of confidence will help you kick off the new year, turn over a new leaf, and show off that new you!

2019 will bring a lot of new experiences, let us embrace them and use them to improve ourselves!

Contact SWCreations directly here!

January 01, 2019 — SWCreations Jewelry