It's the time of year when we turn our thoughts to the beginning of warmer weather. As the snow melts and new growth emerges, we start finding ourselves looking for the first buds and the beginning of flowers.  Whether it's bulbs, shrubs, or bushes, the stand-out color we find ourselves searching for is pink.


The delicate pink of dogwood is soft and sweet.  Representing that same softness and sweetness is our Romantic Pink Pearl Beaded Anklet.  Delicate pink pearls with Swarovski crystals grace your ankle like petals from the new bloom of the pink dogwood.

pink pearl anklet


Bright and cheerful, the begonia welcomes us to spring with its coral pinkness.  So do these sparky handmade pink floral lampwork bead earrings.  Adorned with flowers all around, the background is the happy color of pretty begonias, delicate yet robust, and very welcome at this time of year!

pink floral earrings


Tulips are one of the most ubiquitous flowers for early spring, and you can make them a part of your look!  They come in so many hues of pink, it's hard to choose just one.  

purple beaded anklet

No matter the flower you love in early spring, you can find a beautiful piece of jewelry to wear that will connect you to the season we all love.  Contact us to find your distinctive piece of spring infused with the pink of April.

April 20, 2017 — SWCreations Jewelry