Snowy-white pearls are back in fashion for this winter, according to Vogue. Chunky and funky strings layered with petite and pretty, over a sweater and showing under your favorite coat, puts you at the cutting edge this season. Chokers are back, too, with a goth/punk edge, silver-dipped or leather, or massive pieces that keep your chin up this winter.

drusy pearl necklace

Single, high-impact earrings, like a chandelier-style dangle, make everyone take a second look. Even better, wear two different earrings you love to light up your mood in the darker days of the year. You'll smile every time you look in the mirror.

Crystals are big right now, too, in every form of jewelry. Wearing your bracelet or cuff over your sleeve means you don't have to hide that beautiful statement piece under your layers of warmth, and helps you look like you've just stepped off the runway.

Steampunk is expressing itself in looped chains, dangles, and creative combinations of chains and charms. Step out of the plain old necklace shapes and bring visual interest to that power suit you're wearing to your next meeting.

Bold statement pieces of beadwork mixed with metals and dramatic stone pendants draw the observer's eye. The beading can pull in the colors of your bright turtleneck, or light up a neutral sweater. 

Crystal and beadwork bracelets, especially with silver links, are lighting up wrists everywhere, and interesting stones that match or contrast will make a great conversation piece, as well. 

More than anything else, the style is to be individual and unique. You can start your own winter trend with custom jewelry, taking what you love best from each of the fashion-forward trends.

February 16, 2017 — SWCreations Jewelry

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