The beauty of wearing handmade jewelry is that it stands out uniquely and makes a bold statement. However, many people don’t know how to accessorize their daily outfits with handmade jewelry.

For instance, some people tend to overdo it, resulting in a cluttered and tacky result. Therefore, you need to wear your jewelry right, wear it well, and pair it with other fashion accessories to create a stunning look.

Here are some creative ways you can rock your handmade jewelry.

1. Tell your story

Handmade jewelry pieces can be great conversation starters when you need them to be. Hence, don’t shy away from wearing the necklace your fiancé bought you for your birthday or the anklet you got as a gift.

red ladybug anklet

Tell your story, by incorporating your outfits with precious jewelry pieces gifted to you by different people for different occasions. Alternatively, you can wear handmade jewelry that symbolize special events, like the day you met your spouse.

2. Make a statement

Handmade jewelry is the perfect accessory for making a statement and stepping up your outfit game because of the unique beads and gemstones used to create them. For instance, a Cherry Red Lampwork Bead Necklace can be paired with a low cut top to show off your chest. You will like the attention the red gemstone attracts as it contrasts with your skin.

lampwork necklace

3. The longer, the better

Whether you want to wear a pair of handmade earrings or a necklace with your outfit, go for a longer design to achieve an exquisite look. However, limit other accessories when you wear long jewelry designs to avoid drawing away attention from your statement piece.

4. Stay true to your inner style

Handmade jewelry is unique and can make a personal statement, irrespective of trends and styles. Try and match your personal style and sense of fashion with your accessories, instead of going for what other people are wearing. This way, you will feel more confident in your jewelry choices and enjoy wearing them for any occasion.

Need handmade jewelry?

Contact SWCreations today to purchase your handmade jewelry.

April 18, 2020 — SWCreations Jewelry

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